115g porridge oats or quinoa / millet / buckwheat flakes.
60g chopped almonds.
60g chopped Brazil nuts.
2 tbsp chia seeds.
30g hemp seeds.
60g sunflower seeds.
60g pumpkin seeds.
60g sesame seeds.
2 tbsp coconut oil, melted.
2 scoops of protein powder (optional*).
1 large ripe pear roughly chopped.
1 tsp cinnamon.
½ tsp ground ginger (or fresh crushed ginger).
4 tbsp fresh apple juice.
60g dried unsweetened berries of your choice.
30g goji berries (optional).
*For training athletes
Pre-heat the oven to 160°C/315°F/gas mark 2-3 and line a baking sheet with greaseproof paper.
Put the oats/flakes, nuts and seeds in a bowl and mix thoroughly.
Put the remaining ingredients (minus the berries) into a blender and process until smooth.
Pour the web mixture over the oats and combine thoroughly with your hands to ensure the oats and nuts are coated.
Spread the mixture on to the baking sheet.
Bake for 45-50 mins until crisp and golden..
Allow the granola to cool before stirring in the dried berries.
Store in an airtight container – keeps for up to 2 weeks.
Serve with fruit juice or any milk of your choice, frozen blueberries and a dollop of live yoghurt.